all postcodes in IP30 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP30 0BP 6 1 52.223232 0.742355
IP30 0BQ 3 0 52.208554 0.797239
IP30 0BS 16 0 52.215986 0.744252
IP30 0BT 13 0 52.211826 0.74524
IP30 0BU 5 2 52.211324 0.747141
IP30 0BX 4 0 52.209991 0.748757
IP30 0DA 13 0 52.20663 0.763656
IP30 0DB 6 0 52.206484 0.766062
IP30 0DG 15 0 52.20575 0.767041
IP30 0DH 7 1 52.203827 0.790267
IP30 0DJ 1 0 52.203203 0.786613
IP30 0DL 4 0 52.201534 0.777698
IP30 0DQ 5 0 52.205422 0.796983
IP30 0DR 8 0 52.202057 0.770749
IP30 0DS 2 0 52.198339 0.770488
IP30 0DT 9 1 52.196884 0.773149
IP30 0DU 6 0 52.197919 0.766189
IP30 0DX 5 0 52.193181 0.774499
IP30 0DY 3 0 52.192571 0.773744
IP30 0DZ 1 0 52.194831 0.771338