all postcodes in IP6 / IPSWICH

find any address or company within the IP6 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP6 0DG 13 0 52.108838 1.110357
IP6 0DH 17 1 52.109157 1.109532
IP6 0DL 34 0 52.108872 1.108738
IP6 0DN 3 0 52.107697 1.109956
IP6 0DP 42 0 52.109718 1.111777
IP6 0DQ 17 0 52.107745 1.110529
IP6 0DR 44 0 52.107729 1.112179
IP6 0DS 15 0 52.109 1.1131
IP6 0DT 28 0 52.109743 1.115576
IP6 0DU 30 0 52.108989 1.11586
IP6 0DW 16 0 52.103154 1.115788
IP6 0DX 29 1 52.108453 1.114026
IP6 0DZ 65 1 52.109927 1.117123
IP6 0EA 1 0 52.108134 1.118269
IP6 0EB 9 0 52.106662 1.112046
IP6 0ED 10 0 52.104938 1.112612
IP6 0EF 1 0 52.105536 1.11448
IP6 0EG 7 3 52.106438 1.115507
IP6 0EH 1 0 52.10432 1.123742
IP6 0EJ 3 0 52.105251 1.127283