all postcodes in KY6 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY6 3NA 8 0 56.201451 -3.225448
KY6 3NB 8 0 56.201468 -3.226384
KY6 3ND 12 0 56.201646 -3.223875
KY6 3NE 2 1 56.202097 -3.222793
KY6 3NF 6 0 56.201758 -3.221654
KY6 3NG 44 0 56.20331 -3.221027
KY6 3NH 2 0 56.202257 -3.221364
KY6 3NN 12 0 56.211145 -3.19427
KY6 3NP 12 0 56.215325 -3.18945
KY6 3NR 3 1 56.215239 -3.191801
KY6 3NS 18 0 56.216084 -3.189941
KY6 3NT 12 0 56.215866 -3.191063
KY6 3PA 13 0 56.206287 -3.19399
KY6 3PB 27 0 56.206193 -3.189747
KY6 3PD 9 0 56.205737 -3.191394
KY6 3PE 5 0 56.206722 -3.192633
KY6 3PF 12 0 56.205596 -3.194791
KY6 3PG 8 0 56.205766 -3.19025
KY6 3PH 26 0 56.208804 -3.190199
KY6 3PJ 25 0 56.20995 -3.187719