all postcodes in KY6 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY6 3JY 40 0 56.20278 -3.218189
KY6 3JZ 32 0 56.20188 -3.217451
KY6 3LA 17 0 56.201836 -3.216499
KY6 3LB 36 0 56.201514 -3.218116
KY6 3LD 47 1 56.201662 -3.21954
KY6 3LE 2 0 56.201757 -3.221026
KY6 3LF 7 1 56.201135 -3.220087
KY6 3LG 5 3 56.200485 -3.218632
KY6 3LH 24 0 56.200248 -3.220736
KY6 3LJ 4 0 56.200745 -3.221445
KY6 3LL 10 1 56.20033 -3.221625
KY6 3LN 22 0 56.200953 -3.222225
KY6 3LP 26 0 56.200458 -3.226819
KY6 3LQ 1 1 56.200651 -3.218154
KY6 3LR 17 0 56.199308 -3.225848
KY6 3LS 22 0 56.20049 -3.225386
KY6 3LT 14 0 56.201139 -3.226083
KY6 3LU 26 0 56.201259 -3.223976
KY6 3LW 36 0 56.200279 -3.224057
KY6 3LX 20 0 56.201409 -3.221482