all postcodes in KY6 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY6 3HS 1 0 56.205236 -3.230647
KY6 3HT 2 0 56.200969 -3.237007
KY6 3HU 7 5 56.196859 -3.235375
KY6 3HX 4 0 56.199674 -3.240575
KY6 3HY 9 0 56.2038 -3.250171
KY6 3HZ 1 0 56.209523 -3.258192
KY6 3JA 2 0 56.198635 -3.251953
KY6 3JB 2 0 56.203499 -3.264942
KY6 3JD 13 0 56.196933 -3.260117
KY6 3JE 5 0 56.191242 -3.255209
KY6 3JF 3 0 56.197381 -3.263822
KY6 3JG 1 0 56.202338 -3.271948
KY6 3JH 9 0 56.198166 -3.28443
KY6 3JJ 12 0 56.200085 -3.298534
KY6 3JN 56 0 56.200559 -3.217506
KY6 3JQ 11 0 56.200943 -3.281767
KY6 3JS 1 0 56.203905 -3.216226
KY6 3JT 15 0 56.203371 -3.216628
KY6 3JW 15 1 56.200338 -3.217144
KY6 3JX 14 0 56.202685 -3.216928