all postcodes in KY6 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY6 3PL 14 0 56.210894 -3.191473
KY6 3PN 14 0 56.210746 -3.192855
KY6 3PP 54 0 56.209046 -3.185499
KY6 3PQ 37 0 56.207661 -3.189422
KY6 3PR 22 0 56.208593 -3.188693
KY6 3PS 42 1 56.208421 -3.186963
KY6 3PT 23 0 56.20884 -3.183558
KY6 3PU 9 0 56.207886 -3.185673
KY6 3PW 25 0 56.210432 -3.188105
KY6 3PX 9 1 56.208745 -3.182217
KY6 3PY 6 0 56.209801 -3.182701
KY6 3PZ 6 0 56.210268 -3.184553
KY6 3QB 10 0 56.207719 -3.187086
KY6 3QD 9 0 56.209685 -3.192935
KY6 3QE 10 0 56.208318 -3.192135
KY6 3QF 42 0 56.206978 -3.196833
KY6 3QG 20 0 56.208634 -3.19848
KY6 3QH 36 0 56.208444 -3.200441
KY6 3QJ 11 0 56.209885 -3.200131
KY6 3QL 6 0 56.208945 -3.196974