all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 4JD 32 0 53.410698 -2.86556
L36 4JE 41 0 53.410037 -2.869984
L36 4JF 30 0 53.410325 -2.869915
L36 4JG 28 0 53.410809 -2.87012
L36 4JH 28 0 53.412579 -2.864003
L36 4JJ 31 0 53.41347 -2.861479
L36 4JN 33 0 53.412292 -2.863982
L36 4JQ 43 0 53.411096 -2.870217
L36 4JR 38 0 53.411994 -2.864127
L36 4JS 41 0 53.413097 -2.860764
L36 4JT 43 0 53.411716 -2.864001
L36 4JU 37 0 53.413074 -2.860222
L36 4JW 34 0 53.413247 -2.861188
L36 4JX 40 0 53.413386 -2.863087
L36 4JZ 43 0 53.413081 -2.863036
L36 4LB 24 0 53.410678 -2.864657
L36 4LD 51 0 53.411471 -2.863214
L36 4LE 26 2 53.411103 -2.864259
L36 4LF 8 0 53.412022 -2.860336
L36 4LG 44 0 53.412914 -2.858805