all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 4NZ 34 0 53.414166 -2.868338
L36 4PA 9 0 53.412413 -2.869597
L36 4PB 50 0 53.416967 -2.866304
L36 4PD 52 0 53.413738 -2.869142
L36 4PE 4 0 53.41469 -2.857983
L36 4PF 45 0 53.414962 -2.856454
L36 4PG 28 0 53.413687 -2.857451
L36 4PH 35 1 53.412566 -2.858436
L36 4PJ 15 1 53.412228 -2.857873
L36 4PL 36 0 53.411536 -2.859123
L36 4PN 18 0 53.41319 -2.859126
L36 4PP 27 0 53.414918 -2.866338
L36 4PQ 26 0 53.413411 -2.855836
L36 4PS 7 0 53.408428 -2.852607
L36 4PW 2 0 53.414547 -2.863877
L36 4PZ 42 0 53.403233 -2.852518
L36 4QA 28 0 53.403554 -2.851531
L36 4QB 14 0 53.404365 -2.852601
L36 4QD 27 0 53.405226 -2.850331
L36 4QE 13 0 53.406299 -2.849871