all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 4LN 44 0 53.413159 -2.857185
L36 4LR 47 0 53.413858 -2.863713
L36 4LT 29 0 53.414117 -2.857715
L36 4LX 26 0 53.414448 -2.862883
L36 4LZ 31 0 53.414648 -2.859847
L36 4NE 52 0 53.413713 -2.867577
L36 4NF 8 0 53.414848 -2.867284
L36 4NG 19 0 53.411293 -2.86658
L36 4NJ 32 0 53.413525 -2.865
L36 4NL 33 0 53.414525 -2.865863
L36 4NN 26 0 53.411348 -2.868913
L36 4NP 21 1 53.411621 -2.868482
L36 4NQ 54 0 53.413295 -2.865748
L36 4NR 20 0 53.411689 -2.870244
L36 4NS 55 0 53.41219 -2.868103
L36 4NT 49 0 53.412514 -2.868019
L36 4NU 54 0 53.413501 -2.867136
L36 4NW 5 0 53.412344 -2.870362
L36 4NX 2 0 53.414583 -2.867519
L36 4NY 30 1 53.416993 -2.865251