all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 4QF 17 0 53.405654 -2.852115
L36 4QG 31 1 53.405487 -2.852788
L36 4QH 8 0 53.404777 -2.851496
L36 4QJ 10 1 53.405346 -2.851161
L36 4QL 24 0 53.404769 -2.850037
L36 4QN 18 0 53.406537 -2.853065
L36 4QP 20 0 53.403503 -2.853621
L36 4QQ 11 0 53.405285 -2.853371
L36 4QR 14 0 53.404479 -2.852934
L36 4QS 30 0 53.409181 -2.847778
L36 4QT 26 0 53.403232 -2.850066
L36 4QU 10 0 53.402993 -2.850783
L36 4QW 9 0 53.405921 -2.853685
L36 4QX 41 0 53.402875 -2.849773
L36 4QY 21 0 53.408238 -2.856424
L36 4QZ 11 0 53.408894 -2.856482
L36 4RN 11 0 53.408088 -2.849742
L36 4RW 5 0 53.408261 -2.859598
L36 4NA 0 53.407992 -2.848085
L36 4WY 1 1 53.410486 -2.839981