all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L2 4UQ 1 53.406606 -2.989639
L2 5QA 7 53.406769 -2.988318
L2 5QQ 4 53.407005 -2.988159
L2 5QS 0 53.407018 -2.987693
L2 5QU 2 53.40675 -2.988619
L2 5QY 0 53.406802 -2.988831
L2 5RH 9 53.407253 -2.988525
L2 5RL 4 53.407673 -2.988956
L2 5RQ 1 53.406902 -2.988487
L2 5SF 0 53.407938 -2.988255
L2 5ST 6 53.408169 -2.987674
L2 5SX 0 53.408125 -2.987523
L2 5TF 2 53.40896 -2.985511
L2 5UZ 1 53.407864 -2.988645
L2 6PB 4 53.405436 -2.987701
L2 6PD 1 53.405446 -2.987596
L2 6PG 7 53.405563 -2.986275
L2 6PS 3 53.40603 -2.986346
L2 6PT 3 53.406113 -2.986288
L2 6PX 3 53.406109 -2.986588