all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 4BH 8 53.380314 -2.976431
L3 4BJ 38 53.384891 -2.979558
L3 4BL 19 53.384952 -2.979785
L3 4BP 2 53.39077 -2.98497
L3 4BQ 6 53.380115 -2.97339
L3 4BU 0 53.398204 -2.987203
L3 4BW 0 53.397829 -2.986923
L3 4DA 0 53.391993 -2.987104
L3 4DB 8 53.378361 -2.973364
L3 4DE 1 53.39414 -2.984041
L3 4DG 2 53.393048 -2.983384
L3 4DH 0 53.392012 -2.984879
L3 4DN 0 53.389304 -2.981839
L3 4DP 0 53.388435 -2.981443
L3 4DR 0 53.391848 -2.982875
L3 4DT 0 53.390963 -2.983456
L3 4DU 0 53.391121 -2.982783
L3 4DX 0 53.390338 -2.98275
L3 4DY 0 53.390613 -2.98229
L3 4DZ 1 53.387502 -2.981272