all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 4EB 0 53.391126 -2.98761
L3 4ED 1 53.379143 -2.972435
L3 4EE 2 53.388008 -2.98417
L3 4EF 0 53.376104 -2.969134
L3 4EG 0 53.376561 -2.970437
L3 4EH 0 53.388162 -2.985106
L3 4EJ 0 53.387868 -2.985926
L3 4EL 0 53.387171 -2.985383
L3 4EN 2 53.378999 -2.971169
L3 4EP 0 53.389382 -2.98551
L3 4EQ 0 53.392254 -2.982704
L3 4ER 0 53.389468 -2.987001
L3 4ES 0 53.389916 -2.986109
L3 4ET 0 53.398239 -2.988392
L3 4EU 0 53.398109 -2.988915
L3 4EW 0 53.389423 -2.984834
L3 4EX 0 53.398574 -2.989152
L3 4EY 0 53.398498 -2.988578
L3 4FB 0 53.377308 -2.969041
L3 4FD 0 53.378089 -2.970487