all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L3 5PE 16 53.408354 -2.973703
L3 5PH 3 53.408994 -2.970273
L3 5PS 1 53.408922 -2.967022
L3 5PX 2 53.4087 -2.971049
L3 5QA 1 53.408563 -2.969135
L3 5QB 1 53.408457 -2.975571
L3 5QF 2 53.408914 -2.975672
L3 5QJ 0 53.408566 -2.973197
L3 5QN 1 53.408708 -2.972161
L3 5QR 0 53.407579 -2.970782
L3 5QS 0 53.407023 -2.970649
L3 5QW 1 53.408248 -2.971459
L3 5RA 0 53.405688 -2.972304
L3 5RB 0 53.405846 -2.970502
L3 5RE 1 53.404934 -2.976528
L3 5RF 11 53.405403 -2.969619
L3 5RG 0 53.404287 -2.971008
L3 5RH 0 53.4061 -2.970267
L3 5RL 0 53.40786 -2.970412
L3 5RP 0 53.406972 -2.970272