all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 9HB 171 0 51.883716 -0.38435
LU2 9HD 2 2 51.883089 -0.384595
LU2 9HE 22 2 51.884267 -0.381976
LU2 9HF 12 0 51.884332 -0.383383
LU2 9HG 58 0 51.885476 -0.384853
LU2 9HH 52 0 51.88522 -0.381956
LU2 9HJ 14 0 51.885224 -0.3803
LU2 9HL 45 0 51.885583 -0.38283
LU2 9HN 35 0 51.885914 -0.382745
LU2 9HP 26 0 51.886324 -0.383079
LU2 9HQ 70 0 51.887777 -0.386137
LU2 9HR 25 0 51.887655 -0.385066
LU2 9HS 26 0 51.889191 -0.382991
LU2 9HT 14 0 51.889594 -0.382952
LU2 9HU 17 0 51.889004 -0.385793
LU2 9HW 18 0 51.886507 -0.382041
LU2 9JA 1 1 51.887852 -0.370004
LU2 9JB 2 2 51.887348 -0.366802
LU2 9JD 54 0 51.884486 -0.380878
LU2 9JE 22 1 51.885098 -0.378967