all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 9JF 4 0 51.885248 -0.37873
LU2 9JG 36 0 51.885962 -0.379038
LU2 9JH 40 0 51.888293 -0.381836
LU2 9JJ 16 0 51.88933 -0.381344
LU2 9JL 18 0 51.886537 -0.378974
LU2 9JN 22 0 51.887002 -0.379422
LU2 9JP 26 0 51.888669 -0.38035
LU2 9JQ 37 0 51.886914 -0.380907
LU2 9JR 7 0 51.887342 -0.381938
LU2 9JS 40 3 51.887084 -0.382805
LU2 9JT 36 0 51.887021 -0.384783
LU2 9JU 36 0 51.888182 -0.382853
LU2 9JW 26 0 51.888002 -0.380229
LU2 9JX 10 0 51.888399 -0.382293
LU2 9JY 34 0 51.887944 -0.383878
LU2 9JZ 18 1 51.889 -0.384189
LU2 9LB 7 0 51.885653 -0.37748
LU2 9LG 18 0 51.88714 -0.38815
LU2 9LD 2 1 51.88248 -0.384699
LU2 9LH 65 0 51.884491 -0.387141