all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 9PD 4 3 51.884001 -0.376411
LU2 9PE 5 4 51.877211 -0.383498
LU2 9PF 1 1 51.884098 -0.376824
LU2 9PH 4 0 51.857349 -0.377675
LU2 9PJ 8 0 51.866417 -0.368194
LU2 9PL 7 1 51.869433 -0.375623
LU2 9PN 2 0 51.861704 -0.351988
LU2 9PP 4 0 51.852219 -0.338652
LU2 9PQ 1 1 51.883099 -0.380725
LU2 9PR 10 0 51.858439 -0.340339
LU2 9PS 9 1 51.846062 -0.351552
LU2 9PT 1 0 51.840815 -0.34993
LU2 9PU 4 0 51.838572 -0.356079
LU2 9PW 24 10 51.859865 -0.35356
LU2 9PX 2 0 51.840369 -0.356701
LU2 9PY 9 0 51.843772 -0.362059
LU2 9PZ 6 0 51.842877 -0.363021
LU2 9QA 12 0 51.843433 -0.363552
LU2 9QB 9 1 51.844448 -0.365417
LU2 9QD 5 0 51.859591 -0.344262