all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 9RZ 53 0 51.886665 -0.375889
LU2 9SA 9 0 51.888924 -0.376025
LU2 9SD 11 0 51.889344 -0.3771
LU2 9SE 13 0 51.889466 -0.378142
LU2 9SF 13 0 51.889468 -0.379595
LU2 9SG 46 0 51.888814 -0.377846
LU2 9SH 29 0 51.887645 -0.376507
LU2 9SJ 10 0 51.887948 -0.376932
LU2 9SL 12 0 51.888185 -0.377839
LU2 9SN 13 0 51.888224 -0.379349
LU2 9SP 28 0 51.888098 -0.378046
LU2 9SQ 8 0 51.888375 -0.376641
LU2 9SR 48 0 51.886951 -0.37444
LU2 9SS 15 0 51.887022 -0.373725
LU2 9ST 11 0 51.886767 -0.373502
LU2 9SU 19 0 51.886979 -0.375194
LU2 9SW 13 0 51.887476 -0.378635
LU2 9SY 56 0 51.887609 -0.373893
LU2 9SZ 15 0 51.887857 -0.372969
LU2 9TA 1 1 51.889039 -0.372635