all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 9LJ 27 0 51.884508 -0.385745
LU2 9LL 52 0 51.886247 -0.386656
LU2 9LN 36 0 51.887775 -0.38727
LU2 9LQ 52 0 51.885895 -0.387846
LU2 9LU 31 31 51.879813 -0.377153
LU2 9LW 1 0 51.882204 -0.38298
LU2 9LX 1 1 51.881099 -0.380404
LU2 9LY 1 1 51.877824 -0.376338
LU2 9QG 1 1 51.882211 -0.376935
LU2 9NE 1 1 51.877861 -0.375756
LU2 9NH 9 6 51.873631 -0.387345
LU2 9NJ 1 1 51.880371 -0.376537
LU2 9NL 17 12 51.884418 -0.37798
LU2 9NR 1 1 51.882832 -0.378293
LU2 9NU 1 1 51.87873 -0.38478
LU2 9NW 4 3 51.883444 -0.371898
LU2 9NY 7 5 51.885032 -0.377459
LU2 9NZ 1 1 51.876775 -0.382477
LU2 9PA 12 11 51.880128 -0.381776
LU2 9PB 4 3 51.882062 -0.38251