all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 9QF 5 0 51.894454 -0.397655
LU2 9QH 4 4 51.879459 -0.384827
LU2 9QJ 2 0 51.860111 -0.343565
LU2 9QL 7 0 51.85883 -0.343215
LU2 9QP 3 1 51.857471 -0.343168
LU2 9QR 7 0 51.858131 -0.343415
LU2 9QS 5 2 51.843436 -0.364423
LU2 9QT 1 1 51.875046 -0.379692
LU2 9QW 6 0 51.858089 -0.341049
LU2 9RA 55 0 51.890393 -0.38084
LU2 9RB 60 0 51.891078 -0.378985
LU2 9RD 33 0 51.892056 -0.378819
LU2 9RE 45 0 51.893328 -0.379776
LU2 9RG 11 0 51.893707 -0.381215
LU2 9RH 14 0 51.8933 -0.379094
LU2 9RJ 15 0 51.892904 -0.37841
LU2 9RL 26 0 51.891676 -0.377394
LU2 9RN 27 0 51.890361 -0.37917
LU2 9RQ 16 0 51.894198 -0.380951
LU2 9RT 18 0 51.887346 -0.372464