all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 2BQ 0 53.479594 -2.223373
M1 2BJ 28 0 53.47944 -2.224126
M1 2BW 0 53.479606 -2.231374
M1 2NS 1 53.477025 -2.222772
M1 2DT 1 53.477047 -2.229974
M1 2WX 1 0 53.478088 -2.225081
M1 2DW 1 1 53.478368 -2.229135
M1 3AB 49 0 53.475757 -2.236943
M1 3HU 3 2 53.479587 -2.236437
M1 3AG 12 0 53.479376 -2.23416
M1 3AN 1 0 53.480059 -2.234345
M1 3AQ 2 2 53.479617 -2.234009
M1 3AY 1 1 53.479727 -2.234087
M1 3BE 21 21 53.480469 -2.234902
M1 3BL 56 0 53.479438 -2.234568
M1 3BS 26 0 53.477257 -2.232883
M1 3DA 69 0 53.479832 -2.235097
M1 3DB 45 0 53.479832 -2.235097
M1 3DT 48 0 53.47924 -2.234566
M1 3DZ 7 6 53.479019 -2.236582