all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 2PN 1 1 53.476361 -2.231673
M1 2PW 3 3 53.476081 -2.231323
M1 2PY 3 1 53.474506 -2.227698
M1 2PZ 2 2 53.47491 -2.227926
M1 2QF 2 1 53.476016 -2.227375
M1 2WD 8 8 53.478712 -2.229079
M1 2TP 2 1 53.479193 -2.231131
M1 2WA 7 0 53.479306 -2.228419
M1 2WB 6 0 53.47995 -2.225545
M1 2WE 49 0 53.479315 -2.228434
M1 2WG 2 2 53.475899 -2.222749
M1 2WH 14 14 53.478589 -2.226153
M1 2WL 1 0 53.478216 -2.224933
M1 2WN 2 0 53.478594 -2.224498
M1 2WQ 2 2 53.478472 -2.226665
M1 2WR 3 3 53.475408 -2.222055
M1 2WW 3 3 53.477993 -2.224163
M1 2AT 31 0 53.478643 -2.227587
M1 2AU 27 0 53.478894 -2.227769
M1 2ED 57 0 53.481037 -2.230553