all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 2DQ 26 1 53.479635 -2.230093
M1 2DS 20 0 53.479753 -2.229763
M1 2EA 1 1 53.481815 -2.232667
M1 2EE 1 1 53.481932 -2.2322
M1 2EF 2 2 53.481634 -2.23194
M1 2EG 3 1 53.482205 -2.230514
M1 2EH 42 5 53.4809 -2.231728
M1 2EJ 14 14 53.481134 -2.231458
M1 2EL 1 1 53.481233 -2.231247
M1 2EQ 11 4 53.481834 -2.231899
M1 2FF 37 4 53.481419 -2.232574
M1 2FN 2 1 53.481411 -2.231366
M1 2GH 12 5 53.478392 -2.231714
M1 2HE 1 0 53.481481 -2.233223
M1 2HF 10 9 53.481228 -2.232857
M1 2HN 30 2 53.480825 -2.233279
M1 2HR 2 1 53.480473 -2.232898
M1 2HY 25 25 53.479522 -2.23279
M1 2JL 2 2 53.480391 -2.229025
M1 2JN 7 7 53.4799 -2.228061