all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 2JQ 24 22 53.480898 -2.226693
M1 2JW 51 23 53.480411 -2.228606
M1 2JX 1 0 53.480583 -2.228185
M1 2JZ 1 0 53.481051 -2.227856
M1 2NA 1 1 53.478434 -2.228716
M1 2ND 13 3 53.47708 -2.22684
M1 2NE 29 0 53.479653 -2.225513
M1 2NG 1 1 53.477591 -2.222579
M1 2NH 64 0 53.47912 -2.227107
M1 2NJ 1 0 53.478965 -2.228026
M1 2NL 34 0 53.479781 -2.224384
M1 2NN 47 0 53.478363 -2.227887
M1 2NP 13 6 53.477808 -2.221252
M1 2NQ 6 6 53.478253 -2.223454
M1 2NR 30 0 53.479276 -2.22539
M1 2NT 2 1 53.476415 -2.222061
M1 2PE 64 0 53.480062 -2.232477
M1 2PF 2 2 53.477409 -2.232324
M1 2PH 1 0 53.476899 -2.231962
M1 2PL 1 1 53.477591 -2.222579