all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 2ER 60 0 53.480866 -2.230386
M1 2AR 123 123 53.47489 -2.22877
M1 2FJ 1 53.481513 -2.230556
M1 2HX 1 53.479424 -2.232774
M1 2NF 1 1 53.476887 -2.224489
M1 2HH 0 53.480655 -2.232495
M1 2HD 0 53.481497 -2.23322
M1 2HJ 0 53.480671 -2.232493
M1 2PG 2 53.475456 -2.229785
M1 2DH 0 53.475089 -2.22921
M1 2AD 91 1 53.475089 -2.22921
M1 2NY 1 53.476887 -2.224489
M1 2BL 0 53.480675 -2.231651
M1 2HS 71 0 53.480467 -2.232313
M1 2HG 9 53.480205 -2.232219
M1 2JP 1 0 53.481167 -2.227297
M1 2JB 2 53.479613 -2.231342
M1 2EU 1 53.481727 -2.231642
M1 2BG 0 53.475089 -2.22921
M1 2BH 0 53.479639 -2.223464