all postcodes in M46 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M46 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M46 0RA 2 0 53.515477 -2.509672
M46 0RB 14 4 53.515017 -2.510467
M46 0RD 1 1 53.528382 -2.506479
M46 0RE 1 1 53.531243 -2.503752
M46 0RF 71 2 53.533585 -2.504263
M46 0RG 20 0 53.509952 -2.50935
M46 0TZ 1 0 53.527766 -2.513561
M46 0RJ 1 0 53.527065 -2.517958
M46 0RL 4 0 53.526852 -2.504817
M46 0RN 12 1 53.512023 -2.510672
M46 0RP 24 0 53.515637 -2.510474
M46 0RQ 1 0 53.512398 -2.506529
M46 0RR 10 0 53.509167 -2.501651
M46 0RS 6 3 53.524527 -2.506146
M46 0RT 20 0 53.521897 -2.511666
M46 0RU 4 0 53.520415 -2.513518
M46 0RW 5 0 53.510754 -2.510928
M46 0RX 7 0 53.522569 -2.51009
M46 0RY 3 2 53.528509 -2.503644
M46 0SE 35 0 53.513784 -2.510829