all postcodes in M46 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M46 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M46 0SF 31 0 53.514693 -2.510568
M46 0SG 10 0 53.529681 -2.494486
M46 0TA 1 1 53.523838 -2.492608
M46 0TB 1 1 53.523913 -2.493816
M46 0TG 1 1 53.522108 -2.491276
M46 0WY 20 0 53.530477 -2.495416
M46 0WX 1 1 53.522638 -2.491418
M46 0JN 3 53.528753 -2.503345
M46 0WT 0 53.522638 -2.491418
M46 0SJ 0 53.523484 -2.506179
M46 0SL 0 53.523507 -2.507205
M46 0GF 19 0 53.520348 -2.510154
M46 0GG 10 0 53.520926 -2.509648
M46 0GJ 12 0 53.52199 -2.508876
M46 0GN 65 4 53.522536 -2.507148
M46 0GR 36 0 53.520532 -2.509236
M46 0GS 5 0 53.521029 -2.508729
M46 0GT 17 0 53.522611 -2.508597
M46 0GX 49 0 53.521661 -2.505946
M46 0GL 38 0 53.519942 -2.50849