all postcodes in ME / Rochester

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District

ME / Rochester

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME1 1JE 1 1 51.382946 0.513746
ME1 1JF 12 0 51.386352 0.50633
ME1 1JG 56 0 51.385274 0.508384
ME1 1JN 1 1 51.388026 0.505429
ME1 1JR 7 0 51.383546 0.515145
ME1 1JS 5 5 51.388192 0.505237
ME1 1JT 33 20 51.387982 0.504953
ME1 1JU 2 2 51.388511 0.504622
ME1 1JX 36 0 51.378329 0.489494
ME1 1JY 23 13 51.389216 0.504028
ME1 1LA 8 3 51.390439 0.502801
ME1 1LB 6 1 51.38952 0.503714
ME1 1LD 14 6 51.390208 0.503076
ME1 1LX 43 23 51.389253 0.504404
ME1 1LF 1 0 51.390928 0.502181
ME1 1LN 23 12 51.390326 0.503413
ME1 1LQ 22 0 51.384159 0.496969
ME1 1LS 10 5 51.389826 0.504119
ME1 1LT 15 0 51.384758 0.510626
ME1 1LW 34 0 51.379633 0.492022