all postcodes in ME / Rochester

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District

ME / Rochester

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME1 1LZ 18 0 51.377891 0.491037
ME1 1NB 60 0 51.388534 0.50563
ME1 1NG 4 4 51.386052 0.508987
ME1 1NH 4 4 51.389162 0.506555
ME1 1NJ 6 0 51.39049 0.505018
ME1 1NL 21 0 51.387618 0.507664
ME1 1NN 1 0 51.387266 0.507731
ME1 1NP 5 0 51.390838 0.50347
ME1 1NU 48 0 51.378946 0.489671
ME1 1NW 12 1 51.390663 0.503676
ME1 1PB 21 19 51.391511 0.506899
ME1 1PD 1 1 51.387749 0.506607
ME1 1PJ 1 1 51.393258 0.505126
ME1 1PS 21 0 51.380761 0.492716
ME1 1PT 31 10 51.390694 0.502643
ME1 1PU 1 1 51.391023 0.502373
ME1 1PX 1 1 51.390932 0.502454
ME1 1PY 5 3 51.390911 0.503014
ME1 1QA 20 0 51.384626 0.497037
ME1 1QD 9 0 51.391013 0.502028