all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 8BT 9 0 52.084202 -0.739723
MK16 8BU 8 0 52.084496 -0.739452
MK16 8BW 20 0 52.083528 -0.739771
MK16 8BX 22 0 52.08518 -0.739535
MK16 8BY 44 0 52.084559 -0.741187
MK16 8BZ 8 0 52.084162 -0.741023
MK16 8DA 22 0 52.083194 -0.740452
MK16 8DB 31 0 52.083189 -0.740846
MK16 8DD 15 0 52.083413 -0.742474
MK16 8DE 11 0 52.082641 -0.742598
MK16 8DF 12 0 52.08256 -0.743388
MK16 8DG 3 0 52.083192 -0.743662
MK16 8DH 28 0 52.083338 -0.745541
MK16 8DJ 13 0 52.082581 -0.746263
MK16 8DL 24 0 52.08376 -0.745529
MK16 8DN 32 0 52.084585 -0.742733
MK16 8DP 12 0 52.083775 -0.744332
MK16 8DQ 38 0 52.082231 -0.744638
MK16 8DS 1 1 52.08315 -0.749005
MK16 8DU 1 1 52.083732 -0.750477