all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 8HB 6 0 52.086226 -0.727231
MK16 8HD 5 2 52.085314 -0.72677
MK16 8HE 9 8 52.086462 -0.721693
MK16 8HG 13 1 52.086606 -0.721645
MK16 8HH 4 0 52.086384 -0.720279
MK16 8HJ 18 8 52.086137 -0.721448
MK16 8HL 11 1 52.085726 -0.725975
MK16 8HN 5 3 52.08656 -0.722405
MK16 8HP 6 1 52.08662 -0.730445
MK16 8HQ 1 1 52.0862 -0.720693
MK16 8HR 32 0 52.087509 -0.733689
MK16 8HS 22 0 52.086465 -0.731909
MK16 8HT 41 0 52.087809 -0.735695
MK16 8HU 13 0 52.085072 -0.731992
MK16 8HW 1 1 52.085755 -0.729477
MK16 8HX 2 2 52.08544 -0.732618
MK16 8HY 9 8 52.086217 -0.722254
MK16 8JA 47 1 52.086791 -0.73714
MK16 8JB 41 0 52.085944 -0.737879
MK16 8JE 16 0 52.084423 -0.732653