all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 8DW 30 0 52.085142 -0.74352
MK16 8DX 32 0 52.085386 -0.742857
MK16 8DY 35 0 52.086938 -0.744229
MK16 8DZ 17 0 52.084162 -0.74276
MK16 8EA 3 3 52.084537 -0.728966
MK16 8EB 23 0 52.084806 -0.745748
MK16 8ED 5 0 52.087004 -0.747
MK16 8EE 6 0 52.092154 -0.740807
MK16 8EF 2 0 52.092565 -0.737248
MK16 8EG 32 0 52.086497 -0.729033
MK16 8EH 30 13 52.085798 -0.727593
MK16 8EL 1 1 52.085007 -0.729265
MK16 8EN 15 11 52.085822 -0.725515
MK16 8EP 13 0 52.087723 -0.721
MK16 8ER 44 0 52.088379 -0.721828
MK16 8EU 34 0 52.087383 -0.72784
MK16 8EX 8 0 52.086842 -0.726892
MK16 8EY 2 0 52.086997 -0.727729
MK16 8EZ 6 0 52.087189 -0.728225
MK16 8HA 28 0 52.086596 -0.728271