all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 8QT 1 1 52.086465 -0.725298
MK16 8QW 6 0 52.086135 -0.734735
MK16 8QZ 4 2 52.094968 -0.718384
MK16 8RA 12 0 52.087196 -0.748191
MK16 8RB 15 0 52.088535 -0.749
MK16 8RD 15 0 52.088961 -0.750156
MK16 8RE 9 0 52.089535 -0.748272
MK16 8RF 39 0 52.0894 -0.7474
MK16 8RG 31 0 52.088492 -0.746608
MK16 8RH 20 0 52.090539 -0.74801
MK16 8RJ 10 0 52.087614 -0.746939
MK16 8RL 6 0 52.088416 -0.747953
MK16 8RN 24 0 52.08985 -0.748336
MK16 8RP 8 0 52.085948 -0.747453
MK16 8RQ 14 0 52.087949 -0.746273
MK16 8RR 5 0 52.085147 -0.747431
MK16 8RS 33 0 52.085728 -0.747926
MK16 8RT 4 0 52.084223 -0.745093
MK16 8RU 31 0 52.090069 -0.744404
MK16 8RW 18 0 52.086548 -0.746458