all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 8XE 26 0 54.981869 -1.722779
NE15 8XF 23 0 54.981346 -1.722937
NE15 8XG 8 0 54.981884 -1.725591
NE15 8XH 34 0 54.982853 -1.724834
NE15 8XJ 23 0 54.983011 -1.72724
NE15 8XL 21 0 54.982959 -1.727803
NE15 8XN 8 0 54.982623 -1.726539
NE15 8XP 20 0 54.983187 -1.729301
NE15 8XQ 22 0 54.982456 -1.727947
NE15 8XR 34 0 54.983013 -1.723786
NE15 8XW 35 0 54.983017 -1.725911
NE15 8LD 18 0 54.993876 -1.735575
NE15 8RZ 1 54.976732 -1.712424
NE15 8AF 9 0 54.97788 -1.711416
NE15 8HA 0 54.983776 -1.735626
NE15 8HF 0 54.983913 -1.736672
NE15 8PZ 0 54.986272 -1.743079
NE15 8SL 0 54.976363 -1.716161
NE15 8HG 1 0 54.992139 -1.734524
NE15 8NX 24 16 54.971583 -1.709428