all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 8HN 35 0 54.984483 -1.738559
NE15 8HP 19 0 54.984562 -1.737918
NE15 8HR 17 0 54.983762 -1.737735
NE15 8HS 5 0 54.985481 -1.738818
NE15 8HW 2 1 54.996522 -1.738463
NE15 8HX 32 0 54.98802 -1.736801
NE15 8HY 5 0 54.989401 -1.736509
NE15 8HZ 5 0 54.990037 -1.730396
NE15 8JA 24 0 54.990137 -1.735068
NE15 8JB 12 1 54.990321 -1.733129
NE15 8JD 6 0 54.991574 -1.734684
NE15 8JE 23 1 54.991308 -1.736545
NE15 8JF 8 0 54.990435 -1.731847
NE15 8JG 42 0 54.991251 -1.739031
NE15 8JH 18 0 54.991121 -1.737422
NE15 8JJ 9 1 54.990258 -1.73713
NE15 8JL 2 2 54.992106 -1.736601
NE15 8JN 33 0 54.992605 -1.738084
NE15 8JP 38 0 54.992821 -1.737817
NE15 8JQ 20 1 54.99387 -1.737107