all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 8DU 14 0 54.977988 -1.715571
NE15 8DX 23 2 54.978062 -1.71643
NE15 8DY 30 0 54.977566 -1.715762
NE15 8EA 30 0 54.977478 -1.716512
NE15 8ED 17 0 54.979328 -1.715796
NE15 8EE 38 0 54.979419 -1.716421
NE15 8EF 24 0 54.978754 -1.716425
NE15 8EJ 17 0 54.979519 -1.716795
NE15 8EL 19 0 54.978523 -1.717302
NE15 8ER 16 0 54.979009 -1.717877
NE15 8ES 23 0 54.97857 -1.718239
NE15 8ET 24 0 54.979695 -1.719153
NE15 8EU 4 0 54.979313 -1.717265
NE15 8EX 28 0 54.979974 -1.719307
NE15 8EY 10 0 54.980079 -1.718041
NE15 8EZ 6 0 54.979709 -1.717356
NE15 8HD 8 0 54.984678 -1.74598
NE15 8HE 13 0 54.984805 -1.746323
NE15 8HJ 1 0 54.982827 -1.737476
NE15 8HL 9 0 54.985202 -1.738601