all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 8NE 14 0 54.984602 -1.744043
NE15 8NH 1 0 54.98295 -1.74471
NE15 8NJ 9 0 54.982761 -1.74432
NE15 8NL 3 3 54.98216 -1.74498
NE15 8NR 7 7 54.978426 -1.746769
NE15 8NY 15 15 54.969713 -1.712365
NE15 8NZ 18 13 54.970642 -1.710607
NE15 8PA 39 0 54.983336 -1.744176
NE15 8PB 41 0 54.983391 -1.744738
NE15 8PL 42 4 54.983371 -1.743691
NE15 8PN 7 0 54.983081 -1.742896
NE15 8PP 9 0 54.983523 -1.7433
NE15 8PQ 11 0 54.985938 -1.743157
NE15 8PR 3 2 54.987918 -1.743787
NE15 8PS 6 0 54.986505 -1.742827
NE15 8PT 40 0 54.985786 -1.742691
NE15 8PU 1 0 54.985299 -1.741788
NE15 8PX 15 0 54.985631 -1.741645
NE15 8PY 28 2 54.986755 -1.742107
NE15 8PD 1 1 54.98577 -1.739425