all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 8BG 21 0 54.981342 -1.720063
NE15 8BH 20 0 54.982049 -1.718887
NE15 8BJ 32 0 54.982348 -1.719931
NE15 8BL 32 0 54.980964 -1.719988
NE15 8BN 20 0 54.980138 -1.716431
NE15 8BQ 18 0 54.981803 -1.721341
NE15 8BR 28 0 54.980517 -1.713429
NE15 8BS 41 0 54.980751 -1.717318
NE15 8BW 30 0 54.98072 -1.715396
NE15 8BY 50 0 54.981864 -1.712919
NE15 8BZ 55 0 54.98185 -1.714388
NE15 8DA 5 0 54.977136 -1.708609
NE15 8DE 16 8 54.97697 -1.714235
NE15 8DH 16 1 54.977363 -1.713217
NE15 8DJ 24 0 54.977221 -1.714218
NE15 8DL 20 0 54.977598 -1.713871
NE15 8DN 48 0 54.978521 -1.712927
NE15 8DP 15 0 54.977984 -1.71365
NE15 8DQ 40 0 54.978685 -1.71366
NE15 8DT 32 2 54.977824 -1.714573