all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 8JR 1 1 54.994107 -1.738293
NE15 8JS 23 1 54.994095 -1.736996
NE15 8JU 33 0 54.982714 -1.73918
NE15 8JW 17 0 54.992303 -1.735179
NE15 8JY 48 1 54.983865 -1.739485
NE15 8JZ 56 0 54.984171 -1.739905
NE15 8LA 16 0 54.982104 -1.739699
NE15 8LB 12 0 54.982226 -1.738915
NE15 8LN 28 18 54.981388 -1.737546
NE15 8LP 12 0 54.981939 -1.738122
NE15 8LQ 2 0 54.981483 -1.739951
NE15 8LR 14 0 54.981614 -1.74189
NE15 8LS 25 9 54.982344 -1.74287
NE15 8LT 2 0 54.982096 -1.740885
NE15 8LU 62 0 54.984577 -1.744809
NE15 8LX 4 2 54.985644 -1.743614
NE15 8LY 22 0 54.98526 -1.74457
NE15 8NA 24 0 54.985493 -1.744537
NE15 8NB 31 0 54.984153 -1.745106
NE15 8ND 17 7 54.983428 -1.745457