all postcodes in NE7 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE7 7DQ 24 0 54.997877 -1.587487
NE7 7DR 15 5 54.993183 -1.579266
NE7 7DS 26 0 54.994437 -1.580286
NE7 7DT 31 3 54.996713 -1.580934
NE7 7DU 43 3 54.998904 -1.58038
NE7 7DX 44 1 55.000501 -1.57966
NE7 7DY 2 0 55.00291 -1.577773
NE7 7DZ 7 0 54.990992 -1.589808
NE7 7EA 7 0 55.006577 -1.577501
NE7 7EB 28 1 55.002565 -1.578919
NE7 7ED 28 0 55.004377 -1.577931
NE7 7EE 29 20 55.008026 -1.578673
NE7 7EF 1 1 54.977826 -1.578928
NE7 7EG 1 1 54.997428 -1.579692
NE7 7EH 5 0 55.007954 -1.577971
NE7 7EJ 27 0 54.998114 -1.583186
NE7 7EL 31 1 54.998259 -1.58642
NE7 7EN 14 0 54.995608 -1.581102
NE7 7EP 8 0 54.995694 -1.582508
NE7 7EQ 24 0 54.997724 -1.584831