all postcodes in NE7 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE7 7FR 8 0 54.996649 -1.562709
NE7 7FW 4 0 54.997066 -1.561188
NE7 7GA 84 0 54.999895 -1.563174
NE7 7GB 59 0 55.001361 -1.563533
NE7 7GD 33 0 55.000235 -1.56786
NE7 7GE 13 0 55.001071 -1.565365
NE7 7GF 15 0 54.999609 -1.566178
NE7 7GG 7 0 55.000959 -1.569368
NE7 7GH 36 0 55.002373 -1.565242
NE7 7GJ 13 0 55.000903 -1.563647
NE7 7GL 28 0 55.000452 -1.563215
NE7 7GN 20 0 54.999632 -1.560191
NE7 7GP 20 0 55.000841 -1.561413
NE7 7GQ 21 0 54.99939 -1.565383
NE7 7GR 12 0 55.001823 -1.562027
NE7 7GW 19 0 55.000648 -1.560149
NE7 7HA 47 0 54.997172 -1.58651
NE7 7HB 14 0 54.997573 -1.582848
NE7 7HD 19 4 54.995355 -1.585934
NE7 7HE 4 0 54.991645 -1.583722