all postcodes in NE7 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE7 7ER 28 0 54.99733 -1.582631
NE7 7ES 14 0 54.997155 -1.581508
NE7 7ET 32 0 54.994109 -1.584243
NE7 7EU 25 0 54.994929 -1.582047
NE7 7EW 1 1 55.007291 -1.578635
NE7 7EX 42 0 54.99626 -1.582392
NE7 7EY 34 0 54.997254 -1.584008
NE7 7EZ 2 2 55.008765 -1.579228
NE7 7FA 14 0 54.998059 -1.565132
NE7 7FB 13 0 54.99785 -1.564368
NE7 7FD 30 0 54.997666 -1.563292
NE7 7FE 15 0 54.997214 -1.564829
NE7 7FF 24 0 54.99872 -1.561248
NE7 7FG 11 0 54.998047 -1.564038
NE7 7FH 11 0 54.998838 -1.561716
NE7 7FJ 13 0 54.998428 -1.560142
NE7 7FL 42 0 54.996938 -1.563081
NE7 7FN 6 0 54.997594 -1.560651
NE7 7FP 7 0 54.996836 -1.562269
NE7 7FQ 9 0 54.997901 -1.561101