all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2BD 7 0 52.472248 1.070652
NR16 2BE 42 0 52.470749 1.072271
NR16 2BG 9 1 52.475259 1.076252
NR16 2BH 4 0 52.471067 1.082498
NR16 2BJ 4 0 52.471897 1.072012
NR16 2BP 6 0 52.446278 1.010766
NR16 2BT 5 0 52.452536 1.011871
NR16 2BU 5 1 52.454675 1.011222
NR16 2BX 9 1 52.458454 1.012187
NR16 2BY 8 0 52.461612 1.032882
NR16 2BZ 3 0 52.461727 1.047643
NR16 2DA 11 0 52.465286 1.056812
NR16 2DB 6 0 52.467308 1.051283
NR16 2DD 11 0 52.469312 1.06333
NR16 2DE 23 0 52.467023 1.066602
NR16 2DF 5 0 52.459101 1.081309
NR16 2DG 8 1 52.453291 1.064852
NR16 2DH 7 0 52.447737 1.048575
NR16 2DJ 4 0 52.443231 1.061112
NR16 2DL 1 0 52.430063 1.056638