all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 2BG 27 14 52.608084 1.728578
NR30 2BL 22 0 52.602963 1.733535
NR30 2BQ 53 1 52.608256 1.730558
NR30 2PN 24 7 52.604181 1.729701
NR30 2BS 6 0 52.607889 1.731354
NR30 2BT 33 0 52.60811 1.732053
NR30 2BU 9 0 52.607846 1.731291
NR30 2BW 7 0 52.608438 1.731061
NR30 2BX 8 0 52.608266 1.731652
NR30 2BY 6 0 52.604262 1.732848
NR30 2BZ 22 0 52.608464 1.73223
NR30 2DB 28 2 52.608574 1.733865
NR30 2DD 8 0 52.608284 1.733648
NR30 2DE 3 0 52.608135 1.733798
NR30 2DG 26 22 52.608898 1.735858
NR30 2DH 9 1 52.609362 1.736539
NR30 2DJ 6 1 52.609463 1.736474
NR30 2DL 2 2 52.607896 1.737685
NR30 2DN 56 7 52.609344 1.735674
NR30 2DP 22 0 52.609174 1.733946