all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 2DQ 32 30 52.608348 1.736461
NR30 2DR 15 0 52.608725 1.732208
NR30 2DS 17 0 52.608644 1.730798
NR30 2DT 29 1 52.608426 1.729715
NR30 2DU 13 0 52.609328 1.731358
NR30 2DW 7 0 52.60954 1.733755
NR30 2DX 29 3 52.609069 1.729578
NR30 2DY 9 0 52.608792 1.729806
NR30 2DZ 9 0 52.608891 1.73039
NR30 2EA 9 0 52.609438 1.730141
NR30 2EB 29 0 52.609369 1.730623
NR30 2ED 15 0 52.608988 1.730724
NR30 2EE 31 0 52.608941 1.73137
NR30 2EF 10 0 52.609016 1.731539
NR30 2EG 20 0 52.608971 1.731845
NR30 2EH 1 1 52.608229 1.737943
NR30 2EJ 54 21 52.605639 1.736237
NR30 2EL 6 0 52.605584 1.735974
NR30 2EN 18 10 52.604445 1.736173
NR30 2EP 3 0 52.603753 1.735848