all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 2JT 40 3 52.604068 1.733555
NR30 2JU 4 0 52.60432 1.734138
NR30 2JX 3 2 52.603446 1.735311
NR30 2JY 25 2 52.604079 1.73264
NR30 2JZ 15 0 52.604256 1.732168
NR30 2LA 7 1 52.604899 1.732879
NR30 2LD 27 16 52.605484 1.734311
NR30 2LG 14 0 52.604927 1.733436
NR30 2LH 55 1 52.604716 1.733285
NR30 2LJ 32 0 52.604484 1.731774
NR30 2LL 5 0 52.604111 1.731358
NR30 2LN 14 0 52.603549 1.731206
NR30 2LP 14 0 52.603355 1.731648
NR30 2LQ 6 0 52.604807 1.733796
NR30 2LR 1 1 52.606606 1.733535
NR30 2LS 3 0 52.604924 1.730378
NR30 2LU 18 0 52.604441 1.735138
NR30 2LX 40 0 52.605049 1.735249
NR30 2LY 11 0 52.604101 1.729953
NR30 2LZ 21 1 52.60365 1.730571