all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 2EQ 4 0 52.609274 1.73193
NR30 2ER 3 3 52.604304 1.737195
NR30 2ES 10 5 52.603059 1.736755
NR30 2ET 1 0 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 2EU 11 1 52.602993 1.735414
NR30 2EW 3 3 52.604494 1.735749
NR30 2EX 33 2 52.604213 1.735252
NR30 2EY 1 1 52.608844 1.728436
NR30 2EZ 5 0 52.60398 1.735779
NR30 2GZ 5 0 52.607168 1.734514
NR30 2HB 13 1 52.60596 1.735475
NR30 2HD 8 0 52.60584 1.736129
NR30 2HE 8 0 52.606387 1.735334
NR30 2HF 1 0 52.606518 1.73601
NR30 2HG 60 8 52.606958 1.735471
NR30 2HH 15 0 52.609295 1.7284
NR30 2HL 39 9 52.606212 1.728883
NR30 2HP 5 0 52.606828 1.730472
NR30 2HQ 18 0 52.607599 1.735984
NR30 2HR 1 0 52.606701 1.730234