all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 2PQ 60 10 52.603939 1.729378
NR30 2PP 23 2 52.601934 1.729923
NR30 2PR 54 1 52.601943 1.729348
NR30 2PS 9 0 52.60522 1.727271
NR30 2PT 9 2 52.605958 1.726403
NR30 2PU 7 5 52.606175 1.726073
NR30 2PW 29 2 52.603353 1.729993
NR30 2PY 41 0 52.604928 1.729979
NR30 2PZ 30 0 52.604463 1.730442
NR30 2QB 16 0 52.60466 1.730769
NR30 2QD 33 3 52.60623 1.725457
NR30 2QE 8 4 52.605925 1.726022
NR30 2QF 1 1 52.605956 1.725029
NR30 2QH 12 2 52.605324 1.725403
NR30 2QJ 1 1 52.605249 1.7255
NR30 2QN 1 1 52.605112 1.725577
NR30 2QP 5 3 52.605204 1.725754
NR30 2QQ 1 0 52.612418 1.724617
NR30 2QR 9 0 52.605527 1.725243
NR30 2QS 2 0 52.605446 1.725524