all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 2HS 4 0 52.606846 1.730748
NR30 2HT 4 0 52.606689 1.731178
NR30 2HU 32 0 52.606943 1.73196
NR30 2HW 4 3 52.606218 1.729276
NR30 2HX 15 1 52.606712 1.731874
NR30 2HY 3 0 52.606547 1.732236
NR30 2HZ 19 4 52.606612 1.732767
NR30 2JA 18 1 52.607337 1.732865
NR30 2JB 15 0 52.607355 1.733717
NR30 2JD 54 2 52.606936 1.734169
NR30 2JF 23 0 52.606855 1.734177
NR30 2JG 11 0 52.605772 1.734025
NR30 2JH 25 1 52.606266 1.733757
NR30 2JJ 16 0 52.605798 1.733466
NR30 2JL 17 2 52.605759 1.733005
NR30 2JN 36 3 52.60651 1.73142
NR30 2JP 1 1 52.606675 1.729913
NR30 2JQ 27 2 52.606035 1.734787
NR30 2JR 46 5 52.605156 1.731299
NR30 2JS 4 0 52.60473 1.73141