all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 1LT 1 52.47556 1.751719
NR32 1LU 1 52.476099 1.752015
NR32 1LW 1 52.475565 1.750143
NR32 1LX 6 52.476825 1.75263
NR32 1LZ 4 52.477255 1.753277
NR32 1NB 5 52.478513 1.754165
NR32 1ND 1 52.478099 1.753894
NR32 1NE 1 52.478227 1.754111
NR32 1NL 10 52.47762 1.751997
NR32 1NN 1 52.477754 1.75712
NR32 1NR 1 52.480232 1.752721
NR32 1NT 6 52.478862 1.753385
NR32 1NU 0 52.479211 1.75172
NR32 1NX 0 52.478583 1.75339
NR32 1NY 2 52.478262 1.753268
NR32 1PA 8 52.478178 1.752819
NR32 1PB 0 52.478542 1.75156
NR32 1PE 1 52.478999 1.756431
NR32 1PH 1 52.477879 1.751754
NR32 1PJ 6 52.478731 1.752416